Unexpected "surprise" Marriage Proposal photo shoot in Koh Samui. Photographer’s advice

If you want to make a marriage proposal to your girlfriend, you might want someone to shoot it. This raises many questions: where to find a beautiful and suitable place for this purpose, how to make the trip there and the offer itself unexpected but welcomed, where to hide the photographer all this time, and so on.

Where to photoshoot propose on Koh Samui?

And the most difficult question is "How to do a propose"?

In place of a young man, I would do the following. You are arranging a romantic photo shoot for your girlfriend. And at any time during this photo shoot, you're asking her to marry you. There are many benefits to this approach.

Firstly, the photographer is nearby. He does not have to hide; the lady sees him, and he is appropriate.

Secondly, and more importantly, the lady is ready to be photographed. She'd dress up, put on makeup, and get a hairstyle. After all, you won't tell the girl, "Come on to the beach, nothing unusual, just dress up and put on some makeup, you will have a surprise.". So, the surprise will have a more emotional foundation.

Well, at that moment, you will have an assistant - a photographer in person. He can keep a box with a ring so that it does not stick out in your pocket, and he might tell you what time is the best for a proposal. And also, he'd distract the girl on yourself so that you kneel.